He’s a guy. Guys are stupid.

Whether it’s going for hikes, gardening or cooking, every couple has something that they love doing together.

Something that brings comfort and allows both partners to just enjoy being in each other’s presence without any pretence or expectation.

For my boyfriend and I that means watching series in bed, while putting food in our faces.


We recently started watching Supernatural. For those who do not know, it follows the story of 2 brothers that hunt and kill supernatural beings, in an ultimate quest to find the creature that killed their mother.

Although I find it terrifying and cover my eyes for the most part, it’s really enjoyable and captivating.

Saturday we vegetated in the bed the whole day, just watching episodes of Supernatural.

I kept reminding myself to go shower whilst it’s still light outside. (I feel safer from monsters when it’s still light outside)

It was quite late when I finally managed to convince myself that I stink and need to shower.

I was happily showering, when BOOM.

The light goes out.


I just stood there, frozen.

After what felt like an eternity of calling the boyfriend to come to my rescue, he finally strolls in and fixes the light.

Just before he leaves, he says “There’s nothing to be scared of.”

“Just scarecrows.”

The last episode we watched was about this scarecrow that comes to life at night and kills people.


And just to top it all off, he closes the door and leaves me in complete darkness before switching the lights on.

Naturally the rest of my shower went like this:


But all in all, it made me realize 2 things:

  1. He’s a guy. Guys are stupid.
  2. I love him more than anything.

I was utterly terrified that night and he definitely added to it, but I have never felt such a great sense of relief as I did when he opened that door. Not only because it lit the room, but because he was there.

And I knew without a doubt, I was safe.